Thursday, June 29, 2017


《新嫁娘》- 王建

小学从四年级开始每天早上朗诵唐诗,众多五言绝句中我特别讨厌王建的这首诗。我的女权意识觉醒得早,当时年纪虽轻,却已自以为是地感叹起此诗背后的诸多不公之处:宴尔新婚,新娘玩啥煎炸爆炒?小俩口就该赖床赖到自然醒,然后再来一个breakfast in bed (床上早餐)才对啊。男人娶妻是求伴侣又不是聘请厨娘,为什么新娘得战战兢兢地接受料理测试呢?再者,新娘好歹也是当大婶的,为什么她要准备料理给当晚辈的小姑尝?这么一来,以后同住一屋檐下,小姑还会尊敬大婶吗?烂漫的小姑搞不好把这个外姓女人当成家里新添的女佣而已!





现在,我享受闲暇的时候,邀三五个知己在家吃顿住家菜,然后大伙儿浅酌深聊。我身边喝酒的朋友真的很少,所以我们吃饱后都不酌,只啄 ­­­——— 甜点。


Monday, June 26, 2017

Quality time with dad

Ladies, what’s your favorite father-daughter bonding activity?

My dad and I are both ambiverts, curious learners, and adventurers. So, one of my favorite activities with my dad is no doubt, exploring new places with him.

This time, we made an impromptu trip to one of the less exploited caves in Ipoh. It is called 龙头岩, which literally translated as ‘Stone of Dragon’s Head’.

Caves in Ipoh are usually associated with Taoist temples, and this one is no exception. The connection between caves and temples can be traced way back to before Independence. 

During British ruling period, a lot of Chinese immigrants were brought into Ipoh to work in the mining business. They eventually settled down here and those that practice Taoism built a lot of temples at the caves.

Taoists build temples to worship their ancestors and Taoist idols. They picked caves because caves have good fengshui. Caves promise fresh water source and steady air flow, which are two important features in good fengshui. Besides that, temperature in caves is kept constant at around 23oC, which is perfect to preserve the color pigments on the idols and Chinese memorial tablets.

Anyway, enough with the cave talk. Let’s look at some pictures!

The temple looks pretty nice don’t you think? :D

But no! That’s not why I am here! My dad promised me some adventures! I want something more exciting than this!


Then my dad leads me upstairs to this.

Ooo……look at this entrance! 
It looks exactly like those entrances in the martial arts novels, which the grand master forbids the young innocent ones to enter!  

Now let’s peek and see what’s behind the door.

Look at the stone wall above again. 
Can you see an old man holding a cane and a peach (寿星公)?
Did you see an image that resemblances the picture below?

If your answer is still no, let me outline the image for you.

My unnecessary outlining totally ruins your imagination didn’t I? :p

Let’s move on and look at the roof top shall we?

I think the picture above looks like a scene from science fiction.
Can you guess what the function of the equipment around the rock is? 
(Hint: think of stalactites and stalagmites formation)

After strolling around for a while, we went back to the temple again.
Just when I thought our adventures ended here, my dad said he wants to show me a cave that has a square entrance.

Let’s go!

Erm……dad……where are we going exactly?

Nobody mentioned anything about cave deep in the bushes but that’s fine.

Finally, we reached the entrance! The entrance of the cave looks like this. \0.0/

My dad asked me whether my smart phone has torchlight. /o.0\ Yes it does, but it’s a little too late to confirm now don’t you think?!

Upon entering the cave, we could still get some natural light from above.

Then it’s pitch black ahead.

Honestly, the torchlight from my phone didn’t help much. -__-

Thankfully, my dad would tell me where to put my foot on: this patch of soil is too soft to step on, that rock is steady to step on, time to switch side……I made sure I followed my dad closely, right behind him, and took the paths that he has taken.

There you have it, the square entrance.

The picture above and some of the cave pictures below were taken with the camera flash function on.

Dad, you didn’t mention anything about roots either. And the constant sound of bat squeaking!

Oh, my dad did mention something about a creek! Look at the water, it looks so fresh!

Now, here is where I refused to move forward anymore.  
What you see in the picture above is a nice picture of the cave wall and its amazing rock formation (perhaps); what you do not see are fruit bats hanging over the cave top, and a huge broken ceramic vessel laying on the ground.

My dad said the British might have used this cave as a winery. I looked at the obviously man-made square entrance and creek. I am not too sure about your conjecture dad!

Now, out of the cave! Out of the cave!

Let’s look at some beautiful creations of God to calm ourselves down shall we?

Dear readers, I hope you have a good time reading this. I personally had a lot of fun.

Was I angry at my dad for signing me up for something peculiar like this? 

No, of course not. I knew he has scouted the place prior to our visit. 
More importantly, I know he will protect me if anything arises.

This experience with my dad reminds me a lot about my relationship with God, my heavenly father. Even the road ahead is unclear for my naked eyes to see, I know He is always there, guiding me, walking before and along with me, leading me by the way I should go. 

Thank you God, for your love, your guidance, and the amazing parents that you have given me.

Ladies, when was the last time you did something enjoyable with your dad?  

Friday, June 2, 2017

Mid-Year Temperature Check: Personality Test

I am going to talk about Myers-Briggs 16 Personalities Test in this post.

If you have no idea what it is, I suggest that you try out this test first before you read any further. Link to the test: 

Recently I went on a social outing with some people that I consider as my close friends. A somewhat trivial occurrence took place and I was slightly disturbed by it. I was surprised at my own reaction because such incident usually could not take its toll on me before this. I conjectured that I had such reaction not because I had discovered new side of my friends that irritates me, nor due to my hormone fluctuation, but because I am experiencing a shift in my overall personality. So after I have calmed down, I went to do the 16 Personalities Test.

I first did this test during PSP, around mid of November last year, and I was identified as a Commander (ENTJ-T). I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. The result was within my expectation.

Fast forward two and a half months, I was asked to do the same test again by my leadership development officer around beginning of February. At that point, I have experienced some ups-and-downs in my career and social life; however, I did not expect those moments to affect my overall personality. Welp, I was wrong. I was detected to be a Protagonist (ENFJ-T) this time.

I did not save the detailed result breakdown the first time, thus I can’t show you the comparison here. But based on what I remember, nothing much has changed except a minor shift in my thinking VS. feeling ratio.

I was actually a little unhappy about the result, because that minor change shifted me from the Analysts category to the Diplomats category! I know, I know, no category is more superior to the others. Nevertheless, I preferred to stay in the Analysts category because I would love to be recognized as a logical person than a touchy-feely person. Urgh, nevermind. *in denial*

So, yesterday I did the same test once more, and this time I am a Campaigner (ENFP-T). Ha!

Based on the result, it seems like my emotion coping skill is clearing shifting more and more towards based on feeling as compared to based on thinking.  Fine. *give up arguing*

The main reason that causes the change in personality type though, is how my approach towards work, planning and decision making shifted from based on judging to prospecting. Actually a lot of signs have shown that I am changing in this area. For example, I used to be super obsessed about my working desk, and it was almost impossible for me to focus on work if a specific set of conditions were not fulfilled. Now, I am much more open to sharing working space and working with distractions like sound and pauses. I regard this changes as necessary because of my current job as a teacher.

In terms of my social life, I used to be very strict with my friends. I have a designated spot for everything; so during college years, I expected my friends to follow my rules as well before I allowed them into my close friend circle. Furthermore, I was always so focused on my work; therefore, I got irritated easily when my friends tried to attract my attention with silly act because I thought that entertaining them was not worthy of my time. Thinking back, I am incredibly thankful for my ex-housemates and ex-travel mates because they put up with my craziness.  

Now I am much more laid-back and I am slowly learning to focus more on my friends’ personality rather than on their behavior. As cliché as it sounds, I have come to the realization that winning hearts of others is equally important as winning the imaginary race in my head to be on top of tasks.

Unfortunately, Campaigner has some glaring weaknesses that I would love to shake off. One of the weaknesses is the inability to follow through an idea. Since I have moved towards becoming a natural improviser rather than a careful planner, I realize I have been doing more talking than actually taking action. I have a lot of great plans in mind that I want to implement in my classrooms to help my students improve; however, I am slow in my action, plus I give up or change my plan easily due to small setbacks or people.

I will leave my “improvement plan” for myself because I don’t want to bore you out here (I probably have done that anyway). It is interesting to see how much I have changed over these few months, and I am very excited to see how far I will go. If you are curious about your growth too, once again, feel free to try out this test. *Disclaimer: this is not a sponsored post.*