Tuesday, December 19, 2017



说到东湾公寓的三个女生,得从她们怎么糊里糊涂地住进东湾公寓开始讲起。 去年年杪,一班呆子仗着年轻热血,工作的地点还没分配下来呢,他们就已冲入沙仓找房子。这三个女生就是当时在一班人中凑合在一起的。距离新的一年只剩下两天了,大部分的人都找好房子、签好约、安顿下来了,就这三只还在茫然摸索。偏偏她们还不肯将就,看了三四套房都嫌不满意,一边急得如热窝上的蚂蚁,一边又慢条斯理地和各房产经纪谈条件。



东湾公寓的格局是一厅三卧,一个厨房,两间浴室,还有一个阳台。住户能随个人喜好设计长方形的空间,分割出玄关、客厅,和饭厅。 设计师的屋更是占了地理优势,阳台方向常年有风,主人房在正北偏东。设计师屋主在大厅安置了一面长长的镜子,镜子上端和下端都安装了一整排的橘灯。晚上时分,亮了灯,大伙儿聚在长桌子前用餐说笑,场面格外温馨,让人轻易地卸下工作后的疲惫。











白熊先生是个家里宅,比起出去趴趴走更喜欢在家摸三圈。白熊先生非常热心于打三角麻将,不只花钱买了一副麻将寄放在东湾公寓,还不问劳累从头教起,硬是把三个原本对麻将一窍不通的女生训练成老牌友。白熊先生把这项人民运动做起来后,东湾公寓的餐桌又解锁了一项新功能 麻将桌。那面长长的镜子也成了白熊先生教学的白板。现在只要逮到没事做的、没话说的,大伙儿把人往麻将桌上一按,两三个小时一下子就过去了。


Thursday, November 23, 2017

When is the last time you clean?

Dear parents and teachers, I hope you teach your kids cleanliness. Yes, cleanliness that involves physically cleaning up a space. To sweep to mop to arrange to tidy up to wipe to vacuum to tuck in.

I could not tell you enough how important it is to instill this value in our children. I could not tell you enough how much character building we can achieve with our children by simply disciplining them to clean.

Cleaning teaches us responsibility, appreciation, teamwork, and its worth transcends beyond these to deeper spiritual level. It forces us to (literally and spiritually) take a step back at wherever we are and evaluate the situation. It forces us to clear out the skeleton in our closets (hopefully this one is just spiritually).

Ladies and gentlemen, be someone who cleans, and marries someone who cleans. If a person can't even treat his/her space right, how do you suppose he/she treats your body right? If someone is too busy doing other important stuff that he/she doesn't have time to clean, how do you suppose that someone finds time to listen to you rant?

God puts aside a whole book of Levi to talk about rules, and a lot of the rules concern about cleanliness. God is a god who loves cleanliness. Or as my kids love to write in their essays, "cleanliness is next to godliness".

Chemistry talks about entropy, the degree of randomness. Any reaction will be in favour of proceeding in a direction that increases the overall entropy of the universe. Which means it is a natural tendency for a space to get messy and messier. However, this is not an excuse for us to not clean; on the contrary, countering that instinct and nature to be messy, to get dirty is what makes us human. In the similar fashion, we counter that instinct to hate in order to love; we counter that fleshly desire to sin in order to do good.

A kid is never too young to learn about cleanliness. And if you are stil thinking who should teach the kids cleanliness, IT'S YOU.

One day, all children in Malaysia will be able to clean their schoolbags, classrooms, toilets, and labs without being forced to.

-written by a teacher who just spent a good 20 minutes sweeping and arranging the lab, because she believes in cleanliness, also because she prefers anything else at this point than grading papers.

(extracted from my Facebook post, written on November 15)





面对改变,其实还是挺害怕的,但滚滚长江东逝水,不可拒、不可留。是非成败转头空,青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。朋友嘛,一壶浊酒喜相逢,古今多少事, 都付笑谈中。

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


上个星期我负责监考PT3 (中三评估考试)。人性本善,再爱折腾的皮孩子,进了考场之后都顺得像只无措的小绵羊。














Sunday, October 8, 2017


1:00 a.m. Here I am, blogging.

24 hours ago, I was rushing to finish off my assignment. (For those who don’t know, I am currently studying part time to obtain a teaching diploma.)

96 hours ago, I was at a campsite by the beach, building gadgets with my teammates using bamboo, wood, and raffia string.

On 1st to 4th of October, 49 of us went to Teluk Gorek, Mersing, Johor for a Scout camp. I was thankful for the opportunity to get away from school and go back to nature.

Spending 4 days 3 nights by the seaside was an amazing experience. It was truly the time where I could slow down, focus on a task at a time, and let loose of my thoughts. Every night, I would fall asleep to the sound of the sea waves, and wake up to this therapeutic view.

During the camp we were asked to make gadgets such as chair, table, storage unit, shoes rack, and fork and spoon using materials available. We tied the sticks together with raffia string using knots that we have learned. I would like to take this chance to thank each and everyone in Garuda team for your dedicated hard work.

My biggest happiness during the camp was waking up to new gadgets built by other teammates. The first night when we hit our sleeping bags, our compound was empty; when we woke up in the morning, there was a real size storage stand standing outside our tents. 

The second night when I woke up for sentry duty, I found a table sitting at our kitchen area, sturdy and ready to be used.

Those moments were magical. It was like Christmas came early in October this year. Everyday was a surprise because I did not know what gadgets we would wake up to.

Of course, those gadgets did not just pop up from thin air. Some of us had selflessly sacrificed their sleep time to make those gadgets. Which made them even better gifts for a person like me whom love language is act of service! [:p] Oh, sweet sweet Christmas! May God bless abundantly each and everyone who had contributed, in big or small ways, to the production of those gadgets! [;D]

I enjoyed the camp.

Before I went, I was afraid that I might break down again like how I did during BTN in 2013, because BTN reminded me a great deal about my high school camping mates, and that time I wished I had attended the camp with my high school buddies rather than my college mates (hopefully no offense taken for any college friends reading this……opps……)

Besides, I was afraid that I might feel out of place like how I felt when I went to the map and compass camp in 2016. During that camp, I was yearning to hold on to someone when I was hiking through those difficult trails. Yet when I looked around, I found no support.

2017. I went to the camp with a bunch of people that I enjoy hanging out with, both during fun and challenging times. I searched for no one and I thought of no one. It was liberating. 

For the first time in a long while, I was at the present moment.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Project Management Workshop? What kind of black magic is this?

So yesterday I had the opportunity to attend a project management workshop led by a few professional project managers from DHL. A huge thank you to the DHL staff who sacrificed their weekend to do this for us and to Teach For Malaysia south region staff members for organizing the workshop!

I want to focus this piece of writing on my reflection so I will only provide an overview of the workshop for you.


[You may skip this paragraph if you have attended the workshop as well.]

We learned about project management through a game stimulation. The teams were given the task to build a spaceship for a customer, who wants to go to the moon to visit his girlfriend whom lives there. (Bro, just give up and find a new girlfriend could you?) For the final product, we were asked to build a ‘spaceship’ for an egg. Our products will be tested by dropping the egg in the spaceship from height. We could only use materials and equipment sold by a shopkeeper (role-played by a DHL facilitator) to build our spaceships. Only project manager from each team was allowed to meet and talk to the customer. As we were playing this stimulation, we went through the major stages in project management: initiating, planning, and executing.


Before the stimulation, the speaker highlighted seven themes in project management. Projects are kept on track by constantly addressing these themes. The first two themes are: (1) quality – what does the customer really want? The wants and needs of a customer should be clearly defined so that the product fits the bill (pun intended). For example, the customer demands comfortable seating in the spaceship so he wants no seatbelt around him (no masking tape in contact with the egg to the ship).

(2) Business case – why are we doing this? For example, the customer wants the product because he has a girlfriend to visit at the moon. For us, we want the product in order to win a bid of $30 million. If the girlfriend or the reward is pulled out of the picture, we might be aborting the mission. The speaker emphasizes that there is no shame in aborting the project if the business case has changed and there is no longer a need for the final product; waste occurs when business case has changed but the workers are still insisting on finishing what they have started. (and kids, that’s how some of the unwanted superheroes are born. ;))

I attended the afternoon session workshop and by the end of my session, all teams failed. All the eggs broke during testing. Time was certainly a limiting factor but I don’t think that’s the determining factor. During the debrief session, the facilitators mentioned that some of us were over-confident about our prototype designs, so when we were designing our budget at the beginning, we did not allocate much room for changes. I knew some had that problem, but was it really the case for everyone?

[Disclaimer: whatever that I am about to say next is purely my personal opinion and reflection. If you can resonate with my writing, great! If not, please don’t get all worked up and try to debate with me about it.]

I felt like rather than over-confident, some of us were actually not confident.

Why did we ask for a small budget to carry out the project? Because we were unconfident.

Are you being serious now? Did you not recall how some of us were naively optimistic about our design? How could we be not confident?

Erm…just try to follow along my train of thought.

During the planning stage, the customer told us that he doesn’t care about how much money he spent, as long as he can get to the moon safely. He did mention if two products worked, he would consider the cheaper one. (Of course, reasonable statement.) However, right after he said the second statement, all four teams went fanatic and planned for a spaceship design that would use as little material as possible, in hope for a cheaper final product. We lost focus of the customer’s first statement, which was obviously the most crucial quality to uphold!

Why did all of us want to build a cheaper product? Because we thought our products or our talents were not worth the big price. We were afraid that if we asked for more than the others, the customer would reject us. In all honesty, what’s wrong with building a spaceship that is way beyond the market price? The customer doesn’t care, so why should we?

Now, one step further back, why would we think our products or our talents were not worth the big price? Because we were doubtful about our self-worth. Some of us role-played as designers, we might have a good design, but because we were not confident about ourselves, we didn’t stand up and fight to persuade the project manager or the accountant that even though our design might be pricey, it was worthy.

Again one step back, why were we doubtful about our self-worth? Because we lacked the experience. Maybe, just maybe, nobody has ever told us that we were worth the price. Although we are young and inexperienced, we do have what it takes, and so we are allowed to demand a huge price.

Our head of region, who attended the morning session workshop as a participant, mentioned that two teams in the morning session succeeded in the task. I wonder, how much budget did they ask for and who were in the team?

Thinking back, for the past eight months as a teacher, there were so many times I was being reserved or I didn’t stand my ground because I thought as a new teacher, I shouldn’t be demanding or appear over-confident.

Let me give you an example. In April I needed to conduct oral test with the Form 5 Chinese students. I gave them a very hard and structured topic because I was afraid that they would take my status as an invigilator lightly if I gave them a simple topic to prepare and talk about. To be honest, up till then I had always been doubtful of my worth as a Chinese teacher because teaching Chinese as a native language is seriously no joke, and my form 4 and 5 students are quite perceptive, so often I felt inferior in front of them.

Later, I had an assessor came in to evaluate my grading. The assessor and I conducted an oral test together. She gave them a very simple topic to debate on. I facilitated the session by asking add-on questions. After the session ended, she commented on how skillful I was in facilitating the kids, pushing them to think deeper and use more precise words. Her encouragement had definitely brightened my day and lifted my worries away. Kids, I might have some weird pronunciation here and there, but that doesn’t mean I am any less. I am improving, and I expect you to improve and grow with me.

"Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity." - 1 Timothy 4:12 (NLT)

This workshop experience has reminded me of a novel that I had read earlier this year as well. The title of the book is ‘Salmon Fishing in Yemen’. Yes, the story is literally about salmon fishing in Yemen. More precisely, the story is about how a Yemen billionaire and a US fisher scientist are working together to make salmon fishing in Yemen a reality.

Spoiler alert, at the end the project was aborted. However, through the process of this project, the Yemen billionaire has inspired the scientist to finally take action on his unhappy marriage, and he has promoted the governments of these two countries to come together and consider more collaboration. How does this novel related to project management? My inference is: an optimist plans, a pessimist sets boundaries, a realist builds, but a project manager does all of the above, plus inspires.

[If you have read till this point, you should really give yourselves a big round of applause!]

So, what have I learned about project management from this workshop? Erm…based on this reflection, I think the answer is none. *hahahah, dry laugh*

I know most likely you wouldn’t be able to read this, but I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to all my team mates and the DHL facilitators as well for my unprofessional conduct yesterday during the workshop. I was mentally exhausted so I was rude with my speech and action. (Still, I know, tired is not an excuse. At least not in the adult world. L)

Tuesday, August 8, 2017













Sunday, July 9, 2017

So, despacito...?

I am sure you have heard of the song “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee by now.

It’s catchy, it’s popular, it’s sensual.

I love the song.

What??!! I know, I know, just continue reading and give me a chance to illustrate my point will you?

The lyrics is provocative but it’s not grotesque. For a start, in contrary to many other popular songs, the lyrics of “Despacito” does not mention any physical beauty standards that a girl should uphold. Besides, let’s put on our mature thinking hat for a second: in the future, if my husband expresses his affection towards me in ways like the song says, I would honestly enjoy his love languages very much.

But that’s not the main reason why I am attracted to the song.

The music, the lyrics, the rhythm, the vocal, the sunny Puerto Rico and the suggestive dance in the music video, I think the song as a whole is vividly demonstrating a deep passion towards life. The type of passion that burns inside every selfless lover and devoted worker.

The passionate people would know, they are allured to challenges and discoveries like metal is attracted to magnet.

Those who love life would know, they enjoy the fast heartbeat that accompanies accomplishments and conquers; yet they have learned to slow down, to cherish the process, to make every moment counts.

The dedicated hard workers would know, they want to comb through every inch of the details; they desire to leave their mark all over their area of expertise, like a writer owning a manuscript, so that the whole world would recognize their contributions, even when they are gone.

Despacito. It’s not just an love act; it’s an attitude.


I believe that my ongoing journey of Teach For Malaysia fellowship and my love for the nature have helped me to conceptualize the “Despacito” type of attitude.

I am constantly swamped by work; I keep telling myself that I need to slow down, to reflect, to focus, to act on the right things, yet I never actually make the time to do all these. And recently whenever I got the chance to escape to nature, instead of feeling calm and relax like I used to, I felt conflicted and tense.

Initially, I was going to let things brew longer in my brain before I pen it down; however, after listening to “Despacito” and going through all the pictures that I have taken during recent trips, I feel compelled to share these with you.

The contrast between the still, breath-taking nature and the moving, breathing people made me anxious. 

I found myself asking a lot about where I am heading and how fast should I move. 

I have the constant fear that I am not good enough. 

Furthermore, I charge myself guilty because rather than working harder to put my fear at ease, I choose to dance around with my fear because I am addicted to the adrenaline rush that associated with it.

So, whenever I listen to “Despacito”, it sends me back right to the moment of man VS. nature. The picturesque scenery, the hyped crowd, and a mind with racing thoughts, thinking of where to go next.

 @ Blue Lake, Pasir Gudang / Desaru, Pasir Gudang / Sekinchan, Selangor

Thursday, June 29, 2017


《新嫁娘》- 王建

小学从四年级开始每天早上朗诵唐诗,众多五言绝句中我特别讨厌王建的这首诗。我的女权意识觉醒得早,当时年纪虽轻,却已自以为是地感叹起此诗背后的诸多不公之处:宴尔新婚,新娘玩啥煎炸爆炒?小俩口就该赖床赖到自然醒,然后再来一个breakfast in bed (床上早餐)才对啊。男人娶妻是求伴侣又不是聘请厨娘,为什么新娘得战战兢兢地接受料理测试呢?再者,新娘好歹也是当大婶的,为什么她要准备料理给当晚辈的小姑尝?这么一来,以后同住一屋檐下,小姑还会尊敬大婶吗?烂漫的小姑搞不好把这个外姓女人当成家里新添的女佣而已!





现在,我享受闲暇的时候,邀三五个知己在家吃顿住家菜,然后大伙儿浅酌深聊。我身边喝酒的朋友真的很少,所以我们吃饱后都不酌,只啄 ­­­——— 甜点。


Monday, June 26, 2017

Quality time with dad

Ladies, what’s your favorite father-daughter bonding activity?

My dad and I are both ambiverts, curious learners, and adventurers. So, one of my favorite activities with my dad is no doubt, exploring new places with him.

This time, we made an impromptu trip to one of the less exploited caves in Ipoh. It is called 龙头岩, which literally translated as ‘Stone of Dragon’s Head’.

Caves in Ipoh are usually associated with Taoist temples, and this one is no exception. The connection between caves and temples can be traced way back to before Independence. 

During British ruling period, a lot of Chinese immigrants were brought into Ipoh to work in the mining business. They eventually settled down here and those that practice Taoism built a lot of temples at the caves.

Taoists build temples to worship their ancestors and Taoist idols. They picked caves because caves have good fengshui. Caves promise fresh water source and steady air flow, which are two important features in good fengshui. Besides that, temperature in caves is kept constant at around 23oC, which is perfect to preserve the color pigments on the idols and Chinese memorial tablets.

Anyway, enough with the cave talk. Let’s look at some pictures!

The temple looks pretty nice don’t you think? :D

But no! That’s not why I am here! My dad promised me some adventures! I want something more exciting than this!


Then my dad leads me upstairs to this.

Ooo……look at this entrance! 
It looks exactly like those entrances in the martial arts novels, which the grand master forbids the young innocent ones to enter!  

Now let’s peek and see what’s behind the door.

Look at the stone wall above again. 
Can you see an old man holding a cane and a peach (寿星公)?
Did you see an image that resemblances the picture below?

If your answer is still no, let me outline the image for you.

My unnecessary outlining totally ruins your imagination didn’t I? :p

Let’s move on and look at the roof top shall we?

I think the picture above looks like a scene from science fiction.
Can you guess what the function of the equipment around the rock is? 
(Hint: think of stalactites and stalagmites formation)

After strolling around for a while, we went back to the temple again.
Just when I thought our adventures ended here, my dad said he wants to show me a cave that has a square entrance.

Let’s go!

Erm……dad……where are we going exactly?

Nobody mentioned anything about cave deep in the bushes but that’s fine.

Finally, we reached the entrance! The entrance of the cave looks like this. \0.0/

My dad asked me whether my smart phone has torchlight. /o.0\ Yes it does, but it’s a little too late to confirm now don’t you think?!

Upon entering the cave, we could still get some natural light from above.

Then it’s pitch black ahead.

Honestly, the torchlight from my phone didn’t help much. -__-

Thankfully, my dad would tell me where to put my foot on: this patch of soil is too soft to step on, that rock is steady to step on, time to switch side……I made sure I followed my dad closely, right behind him, and took the paths that he has taken.

There you have it, the square entrance.

The picture above and some of the cave pictures below were taken with the camera flash function on.

Dad, you didn’t mention anything about roots either. And the constant sound of bat squeaking!

Oh, my dad did mention something about a creek! Look at the water, it looks so fresh!

Now, here is where I refused to move forward anymore.  
What you see in the picture above is a nice picture of the cave wall and its amazing rock formation (perhaps); what you do not see are fruit bats hanging over the cave top, and a huge broken ceramic vessel laying on the ground.

My dad said the British might have used this cave as a winery. I looked at the obviously man-made square entrance and creek. I am not too sure about your conjecture dad!

Now, out of the cave! Out of the cave!

Let’s look at some beautiful creations of God to calm ourselves down shall we?

Dear readers, I hope you have a good time reading this. I personally had a lot of fun.

Was I angry at my dad for signing me up for something peculiar like this? 

No, of course not. I knew he has scouted the place prior to our visit. 
More importantly, I know he will protect me if anything arises.

This experience with my dad reminds me a lot about my relationship with God, my heavenly father. Even the road ahead is unclear for my naked eyes to see, I know He is always there, guiding me, walking before and along with me, leading me by the way I should go. 

Thank you God, for your love, your guidance, and the amazing parents that you have given me.

Ladies, when was the last time you did something enjoyable with your dad?