《告诉大雄我爱她》 – 田畈
我特别喜欢这个故事,不光是剧情好,更多的是因为女主角和我一样都是“海龟”。作者在讲述海归这个课题上花了很多巧心思,好像故事里头有一段,大意是讲述男主角偶尔看着女主角在他身边,会觉得好像什么也没变过。可是女主角一些不经意的小动作,比如说在KFC吃饱了会主动把托盘和垃圾处理掉,让男主角意识到他们之间,确确实实有五年不见了 – 没法触碰到彼此、没有共同回忆的五年。
《我的邻居是腹黑》 – 撒空空
《微微一笑很倾城》 – 顾漫
《不就偷你一杯子》 – 风琳儿
《兔子压倒窝边草》 – 忆锦
《跟你扯不清》 – 明月听风
《喂,你别乱来》 – 明月听风
《求你正经点》 – 明月听风
《不想做作者的编辑不是好读者》 – 摩呼罗迦
《写给医生的报告》 – 柏林石匠
《回眸一笑JQ起》 – 东奔西顾
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016
Learner driver's log (Part II)
Read Part I here.
Date: July 26 (Tue)
Time: 8 am to 10 am
Agenda: Third Driving Lesson
We spent the first hour practicing in the school compound and the next hour driving on the road. For the exam, all the candidates need to familiarize themselves with 3 routes. An examiner can pick any one route out of the three to test the candidate during the exam.
My first attempt at driving on road with real traffic was decent, no accidents, no complain honks from other impatient drivers. My biggest problem was I couldn’t change gear smoothly and in a timely manner; there was an obvious pause with the car every time I tried to switch to higher gear. My instructor panicked so he helped me with it. But overall I was satisfied with my performance.
Date: August 16 (Tue)
Time: 8 am to 11 am
Agenda: Fourth Driving Lesson
I took a two weeks break from learning driving because I had my teaching orientation program and I went to Hatyai for a vacation. Needless to say, when I came back for more lesson, I performed as if I had never sat on the driver’s seat before.
We spent all three hours driving on the road, repeating the three routes. Route A is the most straight-forward route: 1 roundabout, 3 traffic lights and a couple of turns and you are back to the center. Route B is the longest route and it involves roads with heavy traffic. Route C is the shortest route but I hate this route because it involves driving into the downtown area. Well, if you are an Ipohan, you will know, Ipoh downtown is filled with impatient drivers that are ignorant of the rules and uncontrolled pedestrians who cross the roads like headless chickens.
Date: August 17 (Wed)
Time: 8 am to 11 am
Agenda: Fifth Driving Lesson
Again, we spent all three hours driving on the road. Often time when I was driving, I was thinking about all sort of nonsenses while listening to the radio. The topic that I thought about the most was the differences between learning driving in US and that in Malaysia.
Learning driving in US is definitely way cheaper and easier than learning driving in Malaysia, because the US government allows the people with learner’s permit to learn driving from any qualified drivers whom are 25 years old and above. Most people begin their driving career in a parking lot, then move on to neighborhood roads, and finally the main roads. I first started learning driving in the parking lot of my church, then the neighborhoods nearby my apartment. Gosh, I certainly do miss those days where I bonded with my driving instructor while we practiced driving.
In contrast, Malaysia requires everyone to go through formal driving school. It’s costly; however, I couldn’t imagine learning driving from my dad or my mum. If I learn driving from them, it’s most likely that they get panic attack every 3 seconds or I run into rage quit after enduring their nags for like 15 minutes.
Date: August 18 (Thurs)
Time: 8 am to 10 am
Agenda: Sixth Driving Lesson
I slept at 3 am and woke up at 7 am every day for the past few days so I guessed the effect of not having enough sleep was finally showing up? I was extremely irritated at every single minor details.
During the exam in the school compound, all the candidates will drive with both front windows down so that they can get a better view at their wheels and at the side mirrors. Usually we practice driving with windows up and air-conditioner on, but today we were doing the mock test so the windows were down and the air-con was off. I was sweating profusely while I drove. Urgh, I hate the high humidity in Malaysia.
Date: August 25 (Thurs)
Time: 8 am to 10 am
Agenda: Seventh (extra) Driving Lesson
I finished the mandatory 16 hours driving lesson, but I was still not confident with my skill; so I requested for another 2 hours lesson before my test tomorrow. The extra lesson costed 28 ringgit per hour.
Today was a terrible day. It rained; so I got to practice driving in a different weather, which was good. But overall I performed terribly.
For the 5 skills that I need to perform in the school compound, I was especially bad at the hill part. It was either my front wheels stopped in front of the yellow line (which they aren’t supposed to; the wheels should be right on the line), or I stopped the car a little early before I reached the top of the hill so the car slid down on its own. I got it right maybe 3 of 7 tries.
For the road driving, I was frustrated at my instructor because he often reached out to my steering and did the steering for me, and he often pressed on the stop pedal at the co-driver’s seat even though I was obviously already slowing down. Could you not?! How was I supposed to learn from my mistake when you were doing everything for me?
Urgh. I felt so unprepared for the test tomorrow.
Date: August 26 (Fri)
Time: 8:30 am to 11 am
Agenda: Driving Exam
In summary, the total amount of driving school fee that I paid is broken down as follows:
Knowledge test (textbook, course, and exam fee)
Learner’s permit
Driving lessons (mandatory 16 hours lessons and exam fee)
Driving lessons (extra)
Driving license
Total (ringgit)
Date: July 26 (Tue)
Time: 8 am to 10 am
Agenda: Third Driving Lesson
We spent the first hour practicing in the school compound and the next hour driving on the road. For the exam, all the candidates need to familiarize themselves with 3 routes. An examiner can pick any one route out of the three to test the candidate during the exam.
My first attempt at driving on road with real traffic was decent, no accidents, no complain honks from other impatient drivers. My biggest problem was I couldn’t change gear smoothly and in a timely manner; there was an obvious pause with the car every time I tried to switch to higher gear. My instructor panicked so he helped me with it. But overall I was satisfied with my performance.
Date: August 16 (Tue)
Time: 8 am to 11 am
Agenda: Fourth Driving Lesson
I took a two weeks break from learning driving because I had my teaching orientation program and I went to Hatyai for a vacation. Needless to say, when I came back for more lesson, I performed as if I had never sat on the driver’s seat before.
We spent all three hours driving on the road, repeating the three routes. Route A is the most straight-forward route: 1 roundabout, 3 traffic lights and a couple of turns and you are back to the center. Route B is the longest route and it involves roads with heavy traffic. Route C is the shortest route but I hate this route because it involves driving into the downtown area. Well, if you are an Ipohan, you will know, Ipoh downtown is filled with impatient drivers that are ignorant of the rules and uncontrolled pedestrians who cross the roads like headless chickens.
Date: August 17 (Wed)
Time: 8 am to 11 am
Agenda: Fifth Driving Lesson
Again, we spent all three hours driving on the road. Often time when I was driving, I was thinking about all sort of nonsenses while listening to the radio. The topic that I thought about the most was the differences between learning driving in US and that in Malaysia.
Learning driving in US is definitely way cheaper and easier than learning driving in Malaysia, because the US government allows the people with learner’s permit to learn driving from any qualified drivers whom are 25 years old and above. Most people begin their driving career in a parking lot, then move on to neighborhood roads, and finally the main roads. I first started learning driving in the parking lot of my church, then the neighborhoods nearby my apartment. Gosh, I certainly do miss those days where I bonded with my driving instructor while we practiced driving.
In contrast, Malaysia requires everyone to go through formal driving school. It’s costly; however, I couldn’t imagine learning driving from my dad or my mum. If I learn driving from them, it’s most likely that they get panic attack every 3 seconds or I run into rage quit after enduring their nags for like 15 minutes.
Date: August 18 (Thurs)
Time: 8 am to 10 am
Agenda: Sixth Driving Lesson
I slept at 3 am and woke up at 7 am every day for the past few days so I guessed the effect of not having enough sleep was finally showing up? I was extremely irritated at every single minor details.
During the exam in the school compound, all the candidates will drive with both front windows down so that they can get a better view at their wheels and at the side mirrors. Usually we practice driving with windows up and air-conditioner on, but today we were doing the mock test so the windows were down and the air-con was off. I was sweating profusely while I drove. Urgh, I hate the high humidity in Malaysia.
Date: August 25 (Thurs)
Time: 8 am to 10 am
Agenda: Seventh (extra) Driving Lesson
I finished the mandatory 16 hours driving lesson, but I was still not confident with my skill; so I requested for another 2 hours lesson before my test tomorrow. The extra lesson costed 28 ringgit per hour.
Today was a terrible day. It rained; so I got to practice driving in a different weather, which was good. But overall I performed terribly.
For the 5 skills that I need to perform in the school compound, I was especially bad at the hill part. It was either my front wheels stopped in front of the yellow line (which they aren’t supposed to; the wheels should be right on the line), or I stopped the car a little early before I reached the top of the hill so the car slid down on its own. I got it right maybe 3 of 7 tries.
For the road driving, I was frustrated at my instructor because he often reached out to my steering and did the steering for me, and he often pressed on the stop pedal at the co-driver’s seat even though I was obviously already slowing down. Could you not?! How was I supposed to learn from my mistake when you were doing everything for me?
Urgh. I felt so unprepared for the test tomorrow.
Date: August 26 (Fri)
Time: 8:30 am to 11 am
Agenda: Driving Exam
In summary, the total amount of driving school fee that I paid is broken down as follows:
Knowledge test (textbook, course, and exam fee)
Learner’s permit
Driving lessons (mandatory 16 hours lessons and exam fee)
Driving lessons (extra)
Driving license
Total (ringgit)
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016
与其一个人坐在脸书前看着朋友们去旅游的照片自艾自怜,倒不如把握这段难得的闲暇时间和亲友去拜访亲戚、寻觅美食、体验新景点!我在这九个星期内,走访了七个景点:吉隆坡星河广场 – 嘉美回教堂地带、霹雳金宝拉曼大学、霹雳打巴金江瀑布、霹雳怡保清心嶺、彭亨云顶高原、雪兰莪梳邦再也 – 巴生地带,和霹雳古楼。
星河广场是吉隆坡著名的娱乐和购物区,百货商场林立、车龙不断、人潮不减,俨如纽约的时代广场。除去处理公务和和朋友聚餐的时间,其他时候我和N穿梭在各大商场的奢侈品专卖店里,边打发时间边做市场调查。Coach推出的20号小码手提包,在美国卖300美金,在大马卖3000 令吉。好可怕。
值得一提的是,金江瀑布是 2004年本土电影《金山公主》的拍摄地点。我想,如果传说中的金山公主当真住在如斯清泉佳境之中,也难怪她会拒绝苏丹(马来大王)的求婚。苏丹的金银财富,恐怕是比不上能天天与此山水共乐的美妙滋味。与其成为镶金的笼中雀,倒不如一辈子都作戏水的林中鸟。
这世上总是乡里人羡城里人楼高,城里人嫉乡里人逍遥。 咱们究竟为何要寒窗苦读? 一辈子如此青菜豆腐、姿意人生可好? 此番见习,我带走的不仅仅是回忆,更是这两个问题。我觉得这两道题是我投身于教育界之前应该要认真想清楚的事。
与其一个人坐在脸书前看着朋友们去旅游的照片自艾自怜,倒不如把握这段难得的闲暇时间和亲友去拜访亲戚、寻觅美食、体验新景点!我在这九个星期内,走访了七个景点:吉隆坡星河广场 – 嘉美回教堂地带、霹雳金宝拉曼大学、霹雳打巴金江瀑布、霹雳怡保清心嶺、彭亨云顶高原、雪兰莪梳邦再也 – 巴生地带,和霹雳古楼。
值得一提的是,金江瀑布是 2004年本土电影《金山公主》的拍摄地点。我想,如果传说中的金山公主当真住在如斯清泉佳境之中,也难怪她会拒绝苏丹(马来大王)的求婚。苏丹的金银财富,恐怕是比不上能天天与此山水共乐的美妙滋味。与其成为镶金的笼中雀,倒不如一辈子都作戏水的林中鸟。
这世上总是乡里人羡城里人楼高,城里人嫉乡里人逍遥。 咱们究竟为何要寒窗苦读? 一辈子如此青菜豆腐、姿意人生可好? 此番见习,我带走的不仅仅是回忆,更是这两个问题。我觉得这两道题是我投身于教育界之前应该要认真想清楚的事。
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